

New York Magazine, 2023

New York Magazine, 2023. Prior to the Manet/Degas show pairing which brought Claude Manet’s famed “Olympia” to the Met for the first time, Madeline Leung Coleman reflects on the painting and its complexities. Turning to Laure, the model who posed as the maid, Colemain recounts O’Grady’s seminal “Olympia’s Maid: Reclaiming Black Female Subjectivity,” which dismisses the notion that Laure’s primary function is of aesthetic, tonal contrast.

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Post., 2023

post notes on art in a global context, 2023. Disrupting the Institution through Language and Enactment — Veronika Molnar’s essay examines the cultural importance and legacy of Hungarian Roma artist, Omara. Molnar highlights the parallels between Omara’s disruptions and interventions of art openings and O’Grady’s Mlle Bourgeoise Noire, which reflect the institutional struggles of both Black women artists in the United States and Romani women artists in Europe.

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The New York Times Style Magazine, 2021

Both Sides Now: In Conversation With Lorraine O’Grady—In an interview with Kate Guadagnino, O’grady discusses a typical day in her life as a working artist and her current interests.

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New York Times, 2021

Lorraine O’Grady, Still Cutting Into the Culture—Forty years after O’Grady debuted Mlle Bourgeoise Noire, declaring that Black art to take more risks, O’Grady receives her first retrospective at the Brooklyn Museum which features the launch of a new persona. In this profile, Siddhartha Mitter showcases how O’Grady has continuously pursued new ventures, pushing culture forward in her quests of discovery.

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